Top 5 Indian Literature Podcast in 2021

IPR: Indian Podcast Review
2 min readMar 13, 2021

The podcasts that discuss books and get you to listen to stories — what more can you ask for! The following is a list of five top Indian literary podcasts that you will absolutely love.

1. Books And Beyond With Bound

This podcast gives you a peek inside the inner lives of your favorite Indian authors. It has been home to some amazing podcasters, including Manu Pillai, Avni Doshi, Amrita Mahale, Arshia Sattar, and more. The authors on this podcast don’t only talk about their personal lives, but also discuss the realities of publishing and the steps that have led them to where they are today. Tara Khandelwal and Michelle D’Costa are the podcast hosts, writers, and editors, and bring their love for books and knowledge of the industry to these conversations, which are full of banter and unique insights.

You can listen to them here.

2. Lit Pickers

This 12-episode podcast has journalists Supriya Nair and Deepanjana Pal discussing books, literary festivals, awards, Jane Austen, mythology, and much more. Filled with insightful observations, this is another great podcast for lovers of the written word. The banter between the two hosts is fun and entertaining, making listeners feel as though they are silent participants in the chai-time conversations between these two friends. Tune in with a cup of chai or coffee and listen to them dissect different aspects of literature.

You can listen to them here.

3. Boundless

Hosted by Natasha Malpani Oswal, this podcast takes its listeners into the world of poetry by sharing behind-the-scenes stories of creating and publishing poetry, and more. Oswal discusses the stories and secrets behind the very raw poems in her book Boundless, while also talking about her own journey. Her podcast also explores themes and topics like the ups and downs of living in a foreign country, the age of content creation, turning 30, and so on.

You can listen to it here.

4. Indian Noir

If you need your fix of crime and horror stories set in India, and love listening to audiobooks, then give Indian Noir a go. Podcast host Nikesh Murali, the author of the award-winning short story collection The Killing Fields, does a great job in grasping your attention from the very beginning.

You can listen to it here.

5. India Booked

India Booked is a podcast that uses literature as a lever to bring multiple facets of India alive. A perfect podcast for bibliophiles, trivia junkies, and people interested in learning more about India. Every episode focuses on a different theme and takes place via a conversation between the host with celebrated authors.

You can listen to it here.



IPR: Indian Podcast Review

One stop reviewer of top Indian podcasts on Medium.